cysts on thyroid

cysts on thyroid . The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ in the removed just below the Adam's apple neck. The function of glands known as the "master gland" to produce thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate many bodily functions such as metabolism and growth.

There are several problems that can occur with thyroid there will be more active (hyperthyroidism), low activity (hypothyroidism). A known problem is that thyroid nodules or cysts on thyroid .

Defining a cysts on thyroid is a structure capable of supporting the bag with liquid, gaseous or semi-solid. cysts on thyroid is connected to a fluid-filled swelling of the thyroid gland. Not as a part of the tissue in which they are located, can vary in size from small and does not draw attention to vary large enough to cause discomfort.

According to the Mayo Clinic, about half of people who have a cysts on thyroid and not knowing what to do. There is no known thyroid nodules or cysts cause. Some factors that are considered related to the development of a nutritional deficiency in iodine, a genetic autoimmune disease, such as Hashimoto's disease which causes inflammation of the thyroid failure, and radiation exposure as a child. Risk of cysts on thyroid increased, if you are a woman over 40 years. With a family history of the disease is also a factor.

The signs and symptoms of cysts on thyroid vary in size. The less than 3 mm or less cysts, not detected anything unless you know what you want. These are usually by a physician during an examination of the neck. The large cysts on thyroid or may not have any symptoms. In case of continued growth, it is clearly visible and palpable. Large cysts may press against the trachea, causing pain and discomfort in the neck, and depending on the location and size because of the difficulty in swallowing.

If growth is found, the doctor will perform a fine needle aspiration and allow the cyst and send the fluid to be analyzed in a laboratory will be deducted. This results in a more benign again. The cysts on thyroid may recur, and your doctor may decide to have it surgically removed. If growth is important, or that would be back for the detection of cancer cells in pain or discomfort or laboratory liquid surgery values, then perform.

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