soy and thyroid

soy and thyroid . Soy bean include a number of different compounds. Very disclosed are compounds with estrogen-like (hence the use of soy in the treatment of hot flushes). These are called isoflavones. It also contains soy protein, and other compounds as well - soy and thyroid .

Studies have shown that animals fed soy protein, there is a lower energy consumption and use of large quantities of milk proteins compared to animals fed with proteins. Circulating thyroid hormone (T4) after the soy meal. Remember, these animals are rodents, and were fed soy protein as the only source. In another animal study, soy isoflavones rats showed no goiter and increased the conditions that lead to iodine deficiency can cause poor sensitivity of the thyroid). Finally, another animal study, rats had soy reduced activity of an enzyme involved in goiter. This enzyme is called TPO, which is responsible for ensuring that the thyroid hormones known - soy and thyroid .

soy and thyroid . Soy has been goiter induced power associated. As dramatic increases the consumption of soya (soya milk anyone?) The researchers are trying to set the required component. Although all previous studies were animals, it is known that babies who suffer from hypothyroidism at birth and require replacement therapy, are the amount of compensation for them, if we change to increase your milk flow soybeans. If it is due to an absorption problem, or direct interference with the hormone action of soy is not yet clear - soy and thyroid .

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